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Launch A Successful Product Innovation

The Innovators Mindset online course to help corporate innovators to avoid potential pitfalls and create successful product launches.
Warren's Vision
The 9 myths of innovation everyone in product innovation needs to bust in order to drive sustainable growth for their business (and their career.)
Business Meeting
Join The Winning Side
Feel confident to lead product innovation projects
Launch a successful product innovation
Understand the fundamentals of corporate innovation
Create an innovation culture in your team
What People Say

I loved the applied frameworks in this course - I’ve already started using them at work

- Head of Product, Technology

This helped me think much more laterally about my projects and how to address them - thank you!

- Head of insight, CPG

Energising, thought provoking and fun. This totally helped refresh my thinking - Loved it!

- Marketing Director, Media
Business Meeting
How It Works
Online Course
Watch the videos and follow the expert advice from anywhere in the world at any time to act and think like a true innovator.
Proven Plan
Success is not a stroke of luck. Follow proven and actionable strategies to succeed with your product innovation design and delivery.
Expert Support
Your mentor will be available to answer your questions and provide you with any support that you may need.
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This course is for mid-level employees in corporate innovation, marketing or insights who help to develop consumer products or services and want them to be successful, memorable and fun to work on.

Is this for you?


Why Now?

Product innovation is simple and it's one of the most enjoyable jobs in the world. But there is so much process and jargon around today that it can feel serious, scary and filled with potential failure.
Businessman Using Laptop
Don't Waste Time Experimenting
Leading Expertise At Your Fingertips
My name is Warren and I’m the founder of Innovation Leap: a consultancy helping large corporates like Google, LEGO, Mondelez and Arla to create game-changing product innovations to drive business growth and innovative cultures to drive people growth.

During my 20+ year career I have worked as a corporate innovator at Unilever and L’Oreal, A consultant innovator to numerous global companies heading the Innovation Practice at Kantar Consulting and a start up innovator as CGO of a web 3.0 business serving Selfridges, Warner Bros, Sotheby’s and more. I have launched and helped to launch numerous products and services and I know exactly what it takes to succeed and what can cause it to fail.

I’ve combined 20 years of innovation experience to create THE INNOVATORS MINDSET: 10 proven strategies to help you succeed with your product innovation design and delivery.

My course will give you total confidence to act and think like a true innovator on any product or service development project, growing your business and also growing your teams innovation culture too.
Warren Minde
Team Brainstorm
Contact Warren
Would you like to deliver successful product launches by learning the 10 secret strategies of The Innovators Mindset? This is for you!
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